All homeowners are invited and encouraged to become board members. Board members are elected to a three-year term. Board members have usually been an advisory board member before stepping up to the board. Advisory board members serve a one-year term. There is no limit to the length of terms for advisory members.  Call the office phone number to be put on meeting mailing list.

In addition to overseeing the daily operations of the association as conducted by our Executive Secretary, the board addresses potential restriction violations, oversees the entrance landscaping, arranges for the common areas to be mowed, oversees two annual free yard waste and trash pickups, and meets quarterly to discuss current issues.  The board entertains and welcomes any suggestions from homeowners that will further enhance our subdivision.

The number slowly increases as new homes are being built.  As of now, there are 602 homes in the Stonecrest subdivision.

Dues are $65 annually per property.  A reminder is sent to homeowners each June 1.

It is important that each property owner contributes their fair share to the maintenance and betterment of our neighborhood by paying the annual dues on time.  In the unfortunate event that a homeowner fails or refuses to pay the association dues, a lien will be filed against his/her property.

First of all, it is important for each property owner to realize that the HOA (the staff, board members, advisory board, etc) DOES NOT police the neighborhood looking for violations.  With the exception of our executive secretary, everyone involved is a volunteer and we have no hired “code enforcement” personnel.  The board depends on property owners to report possible violations, in writing, to the board for investigation and review.

If you feel as though your neighbor or someone else in the neighborhood has violated a Stonecrest Homes Association restriction, it is YOUR responsibility to complete the Restriction Violations Form found here on the website under the “Documents” tab.  Anonymous complaints or reports will not be addressed, however, the name of the person who files the report will be kept confidential.

When the Stonecrest Homes Association’s restrictions were first put into place, the developer intentionally did not include or address items that are already addressed by the City of St. Joseph code of ordinances.  Our HOA cannot supersede rules, restrictions and/or regulations as defined by city code.  You may find the city’s ordinances here:

In order to find the exact location of your property lines, you will need to hire the services of a surveyor.  However, the Buchanan County GIS map will show you the approximate location of property boundaries.  NOTE: The GIS map does not guarantee total accuracy!

Here is a link to the Buchanan County GIS map:

As you may have noticed, to help with maintaining a pleasant aesthetic appeal along the streets, the Stonecrest subdivision has no street lights. Therefore, for the purpose of public safety, the developer made it mandatory that each homeowner have at least one WORKING yard light (either electric or gas) in the front yard. HOA Restriction #14 states, “Each lot owner, at the time of the construction of a dwelling on said premises, shall install and thereafter maintain one (1) light, either gas or electric, or equal. The light must be located on a pole in front of the residence and must be lighted at least from dusk till dawn. Spotlights and other lights affixed to the dwelling do not constitute compliance with the restriction.” This requirement is for everyone’s safety.

This is not covered in the association restrictions, however, the City of St. Joseph has an ordinance in place to govern this type of issue.  Here is the verbiage from the city’s ordinance:

Sec. 5-91. Certain dogs and cats declared nuisance. Any dog or cat is declared a public nuisance, if such dog or cat: (1) Seriously disturbs a person or neighborhood by loud, frequent barking or howling. No charge will be filed against any person unless the complainant executes an affidavit indicating that he will testify in municipal court concerning such disturbance when notified of the date and time the matter is set for trial.

If you would like to file a complaint, call the St. Joseph Animal Control office for complete city code enforcement details and the process required.  The phone number is (816) 271-4877. 

This issue violates a City of St. Joseph ordinance which reads as follows:

Sec.  5-105.  Removal  of  dog  waste  from property.   (a) It shall be illegal for any person owning, possessing or having control of a dog to allow such dog to defecate upon the public property of the city or upon the private property of another unless the person immediately removes the feces and properly disposes of it in a sanitary manner.   (b)  A  citation  may  be  issued  to  a  person owning, possessing or having control of a dog if any animal control and rescue officer witnesses the  dog  defecating  upon  public  property of the city or upon the private property other than that owned  or  rented  by  the  person  owning, possessing or having control of the dog and the person fails to immediately remove the feces and properly dispose of it in a sanitary manner. (c) A citation may be issued against a person owning, possessing or having control of a dog for violation  of  this  section  if  any  individual witnessing  a  dog  defecating  upon  the  public property of the city or upon the private property other  than  that  owned  or  rented  by  the  person owning, possessing or having control of the dog is willing to execute an affidavit indicating that he/she will testify in municipal court concerning the violation.

For more information, contact St. Joseph Animal Control at (816) 271-4877.

No, you may not.  Restriction #1 states:  Subject to the exceptions hereinafter set forth, no buildings, shall be erected or placed or permitted to remain on any lot, other than one (1) detached single-family dwelling, to which a private garage or carport may be attached. Attachment by breezeway or roofed patio shall be deemed “attached.”  Detached structures are not allowed.

Because we like to think of Stonecrest as one of the friendliest neighborhoods in St. Joseph, we encourage all homeowners to foster a positive relationship with their neighbors.  If your neighbor is doing something you don’t like, it’s always best to approach them with a friendly smile and share your concerns.

If that doesn’t work, and IF the neighbor is in violation of a Stonecrest Homes Association Restriction, then you may file a Restriction Violation complaint by filling out and submitting the form found on this page:

Please read through the association’s Restrictions prior to submitting the form to make sure the offense is actually addressed by the homeowners association restrictions.  The Stonecrest Homes Association has NO jurisdiction over issues or concerns not specifically addressed by the restrictions and cannot help you. 

No, you may not.  Restriction #4 states:  No truck, in excess of one (1) ton, or other commercial vehicle, vacation trailer, mobile home, boat, boat trailer, recreational vehicle, or other similar vehicle shall be parked on any lot for any purpose other than for loading or unloading, and then for a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours in duration. All parking shall be on a concrete or asphalt surface. Nothing herein contained, however, shall prevent the keeping of such vehicle in an enclosed garage or basement.

Sinkholes on private property could be the result of a stormwater sewer pipe failing (collapsing, leaking, etc.) under the ground.  Contrary to what some may believe, it is the property owner’s responsibility to have the sewer line repaired (the portion that is on private property).  A few years ago, the City of St. Joseph adopted a resolution (#42390) that would offer a grant program to private property owners affected by this type of occurrence that would pay a percentage of the repair costs.  It is important to note that this grant program is subject to annual review and approval by city council and is not guaranteed.  It also has a limited annual cap and is available ONLY on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have a sinkhole on your property and you suspect it is the result of a stormwater sewer pipe failure, contact Kim Eaton at City Hall at 816-271-4661.  She will take the report and schedule an inspection to determine if you qualify for the program.

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